ASEE College Industry Partnership Division Bylaws | Revision 2016


Section 1. Name The name of this organization shall be the College-Industry Partnerships Division (CIPD) of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE).

Section 2. Objectives The objectives of the CIPD are:

a. To assess, recommend and establish policies which reflect technical interests of CIPD’s College and Industrial members.

b. To provide forums for discussion and information exchange on matters pertaining to the educational preparation of engineers and technicians for practice in industry and subsequent professional development.

c. To support the student division of ASEE as needed. d. To stimulate broader industrial representation and participation in Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration (CIEC) and ASEE.

e. To work with other divisions and councils of ASEE to enhance mutual benefits from education-industry cooperation.

f. To provide opportunities for dialog between academia and industry concerning issues relating to changing professional climates in academic and industrial areas.

g. To promote and embrace the inclusion and education of diverse individuals and ideas through College and Industry partnerships in order to promote the most truly innovative, resource-smart solutions possible.


Members of CIPD are those who join as individual members and select CIPD as an organization with which to affiliate.


Section 1. Officers

a. The Board of Directors of the CIPD shall consist of a Chair, a Chair-elect, and a Secretary and a Treasurer, the immediate Past-Chair and nine (9) Directors. All eligible candidates for these officer positions of the CIPD must be selected from a roster of active CIPD members in good standing.

Section 2. Committees

a. There shall be an Executive committee, responsible to the Board of Directors, made of five (5) members. These members shall be the Chair of CIPD, the Chair-elect, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the immediate Past-Chair. The Executive Committee, at the advice of the Chair and with the guidance of the Board of Directors, may appoint ad-hoc committees and special interest groups (SIGs) as deemed necessary. The Executive Committee shall nominate and elect a Chair for each of the ad-hoc committees and SIGs that are formed. These ad-hoc committees and SIGs may conduct work on behalf of the CIPD.

Section 3. Board of Directors Duties

a. The Board of Directors of the CIPD shall consist of the Officers, as listed in Article III, Section 1. Paragraph a. above.

The functions and duties of the Board of Directors of the CIPD shall be as follows:

1. To develop strategies to meet the above objectives.

2. To have charge of all matters relating to the expenditure of funds budgeted to the CIPD by the Board of Directors of the College-Industry Partnerships Division and the approval of bills.

3. To authorize all official publications of the CIPD.

4. To formulate the general policies of the CIPD during intervals between business meetings of the CIPD.

5. Review, revise and approve annual fiscal year budget as submitted and prepared by the Chair of CIPD.


• Provide the overall leadership for the Division, preside at the regular board meetings at the Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration (CIEC) and at the annual ASEE meeting, and coordinate monthly or bi-monthly teleconference sessions.

• Maintain liaison with other ASEE divisions, serve as one of the Division’s representatives for PIC V, and complete necessary reports as requested by ASEE.

• Review, revise and approve annual fiscal year budget as submitted and prepared by the Treasurer of CIPD.

• To submit a report of CIPD Board of Directors activities at each annual meeting of the CIPD • Serve a one-year term beginning at the end of the CIEC conference. CHAIR-ELECT:

• Act for the Chair at business meetings and Executive Committee meetings in the event of the Chair’s absence.

• Succeed the Chair upon completion of his/her term in office.

• Take office as Chair, as specified in above, in the event of the resignation or death of the Chair before his/her term is completed.


• Serve on the Executive Committee and, upon appointment, on such other standing and ad hoc committees as the unit may establish.

• Serve as a voting member of the CIPD Board.


• Record the minutes of division meetings and the annual business meeting, and distribute copies of the minutes to division board officers.

• Be responsible for the official records of the board meetings and ensure that the records are passed along to his/her successor.

• Tabulate, verify, and communicate the results of division elections and ballots.


• Oversee and maintain the financial records of the division and regularly report on financial status to the Executive Committee, at board meetings and/or upon request by board members.

• Collect division’s income, if any, and disburse monies authorized by the CIPD Chair.

• Keep records of all the division’s outstanding receivables and payables.

• Ensure that all the divisions financial activities conform to the standards and procedures set forth in the ASEE Financial Policy Manual, which is available from the ASEE Accounting department.

• Work with ASEE to process reimbursement requests in a timely matter.


• Serve on the board and, upon appointment, on such other standing and ad hoc committees as the unit may establish and when possible progress to an officer position (s).

• Represent the Division, upon request, to other ASEE Councils, Divisions and/or Committees • Attend monthly meetings of CIPD and provide input into the scope of responsibilities of the division and how it relates to the vision and mission of ASEE.

• Develop themes and plan topics for the annual CIEC and ASEE conferences.

• Actively participate in both conferences as either a presenter, discussion panel member, or evaluator.

• Foster the collaboration of engineering and engineering technology educators and industry through networking and directing the needs of our constituents.

Section 4. Terms of Office

a. The Chair, the Chair-elect, the Secretary AND Treasurer shall be elected by the method provided in these By-laws for (2) years. The Secretary and the Treasurer shall be elected on a bi-annual basis in opposite years.

b. Nine (9) Director positions shall be staggered in groups of three (3) and elected to serve three-year terms of office. Three (3) Directors elected annually must be members in good standing of the CIPD at the time of their nomination, election and throughout their term of office. Nominations for Directors shall be made so as to maintain a balance between college representatives for engineering education and industry representatives.

c. All officers and directors are expected to attend at least one of the two (2) annual board meetings and fifty percent of the regularly scheduled teleconference meetings. In the event that an officer or director does not attend the required number of meetings, the Chair shall replace officer or director subject to the approval of the Board of Directors to fill the vacancy. (note, retired directors may not be able to afford to attend at least one (1) of the two (2) annual board meetings, but if they can participate in most of the regularly scheduled teleconference meetings, and can participate by telephone in at least one (1) of the two (2) annual board meetings they should be allowed to serve as a director).

d. All Officers and Directors of the College Industry Partnerships Division may be elected for consecutive terms.

e. In case of vacancy of the office of Chair, the Chair-elect shall succeed to that office. In the event the Chair is unable to complete the term of office, the Chair-elect shall complete that term and may serve a revised term as Chair, at the discretion of the CIPD Board of Directors.

f. In the event that the Chair-elect, the Secretary or the Treasurer are unable to serve, the Chair shall appoint a member of the Board of Directors, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors to fill the vacancy.

Section 5. Ex-Officio Members

a. Ex-officio members of the Board of Directors, which may include the Program Chair for CIEC and the Program Chair for ASEE Annual Conference, committee chairs for CIPD Committees, Chair Pic V and Corporate Membership Council, will have non-voting rights.


Section 1. Nomination Committee

a. The immediate Past-Chair, as an officer of the Board of Directors, shall serve as the Nominating Committee Chair and shall work with the CIPD Chair to appoint two (2) members to the Nominating Committee from among the CIPD members. If the PastChair is not available, the Chair will appoint either the Past-Chair or one of the Directors to serve as the Nominating Committee Chair.

1. The Nominating Committee shall annually nominate candidates for each elected office for which the term is due to expire at the next annual business meeting. Officers to be elected by vote of the division embers are Chair-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and Directors.

2. Secretary will distribute ballot to the CIPD Membership at least 30 days prior to CIEC Annual conference.

3. The new officers and directors will be announced at the Collaboration for Industry and Education Conference (CIEC), during the CIPD annual Breakfast or Luncheon Business Meeting.

4. New officers and directors will take office upon the conclusion of the Annual CIEC Conference


a. The CIPD shall hold two (2) face-to-face meeting annually, one at the annual CIEC and one at the ASEE Annual Conference. These meetings will usually be held on Industry Day of these conferences. The business meetings are open to the public. Voting privileges, however, shall be extended only to CIPD members in good standing. The business of these meetings shall include reports by the officers and the chairs of the committee of the CIPD.

b. The time and place of the face-to-face meetings shall be announced to the CIPD membership ahead of time by the Secretary by e-mail and posted on CIPD website.

c. A quorum at any board meeting to conduct business shall consist of a majority (greater than 50 percent) of the Board of Directors for the CIPD. A majority of those voting shall be sufficient for any decisions unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws.

d. The CIPD shall hold monthly scheduled teleconferences and shall conduct its business by electronic mail, or postal delivery, providing all provisions of the Bylaws are observed and that such business is reported at the next teleconference of face-to-face meeting. A minimum of thirty (30) days shall be allowed between mailing of any ballot, motion, or resolution and the date of return.

e. The Chair of CIPD may call such other meetings of the Board of Directors or the membership as may be deemed necessary.


The CIPD may adopt its own rules of procedure, but in the absence of such rules, Robert’s Rules of Order, the latest edition, shall apply.


These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the members responding to an electronic mail, postal mail, or that are present at a business meeting of the CIPD membership, provided the reason for amendment has been discussed at a previous business meeting.

All modifications and changes to these Bylaws must be presented to and approved by the ASEE Board of Directors.


Historical Note Relations With Industry (RWI) was formed after World War II to bring a closer cooperation between the industrial members and the educational institutions. These two groups come together in RWI with representatives from industry and their counterparts from educational institutions. The Relations With Industry title was changed to College Industry Partnership, February 1990.

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